Welcome to Fechim Investments Limited


Who we are

Fechim was first registered as a partnership in 1992. It was an idea conceived by four old boys of Kagumo High School in Nyeri, Kenya. On February 2, 1994 it was registered as Fechim Investments Limited under Kenya’s Companies Act. It was a small savings and investment club where members made equal monthly contributions.

Today Fechim is an investment company owned by 29 shareholders, coming from diverse professional backgrounds and experiences.



Fechim has a Board of Directors made of seven members all of whom are shareholders of the company. In addition, there is one robust Board committee, the Strategy and Investment Committee (SIC) which is composed of four members, all Directors. The Chairman of the company sits in the Committee as an ex-Officio member.

A co-joint approach has been adopted where there are regular consultations between the SIC and Management in running the affairs of the company. The SIC meets at least once every month.

Investment Focus

The company pursues strategies whose objective is to consistently generate above average returns for the shareholders. The need to build a solid balance sheet and consequently solid value for the company share is a key driving factor and therefore emphasis is made in maintaining an optimal asset portfolio mix. Fechim’s portfolio is in the following main classes: Real Estate, Non-Listed Equities and Listed Equities